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Fresh indigo leaves, ice and silk!

Indigo dyed silk hanging on the line

I had a great day visiting my indigo plants out on the farm.  That’s right.  I have some indigo plants out at a farm in Brodhead. I am the luckiest person in the world! 

It’s a long story that involves a possible Burning Man Global Arts Grant that was interrupted by the pandemic. N’uff said. I don’t like to dwell on the story because when I tell it, I sound like I’m complaining (because I am) and I don’t like to sound that way. 

ANYHOOO! Today I harvested a bucketful and decided to try out the blender and ice method of dyeing.  

Blender with indigo bits in it

I cheated in a huuuge way in that I measured nothing. I eyeballed it and it seems to have worked out fine so far. 

I took a small bucketful of plants and removed the leaves. Then I filled a blender with ice water and the leaves and blended it all up.  It reminded me of the green drinks I used to try to choke down during a very short and ill advised health food jag. I do love the smell of indigo plants, though.  

Indigo leaf slurry after being blended

Then I strained the liquid into a bucket. I froze the mush that didn’t go through the strainer to play with later.

I put some silk that I had scoured into water and then threw it into the juice.  I don’t know what types of silk I used.  A few months ago I bought a grab bag of silks from Dharma Trading Company to play with. It’s a variety pack of off cuts.  Awesome for experimenting with.

Fresh Indigo dyed silk, dyed using fresh leaves and ice in a blender

Anyhoo, I didn’t stir it around. I wanted a cool looking chaotic pattern and that’s what I got. If I had moved the fabric around more the color would have been more solid. I let the fabric sit in the juice for about 30 minutes.

After I pulled it out I gave it a quick rinse.


Fresh Indigo dyed silk, dyed using fresh leaves and ice in a blender

The color is so vibrant, I’m very happy with it. 

Fresh Indigo dyed silk, dyed using fresh leaves and ice in a blender

I really like this one, it’s soft and the pattern looks ethereal to me.

Fresh Indigo dyed silk, dyed using fresh leaves and ice in a blender

You don’t really need to be perfect to dye with indigo plants, you can play and have fun sometimes. 

Whaddaya think?

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