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I was just nominated for a Liebster Award.  I’ve seen similar things around town…blogging town that would be…and I think it’s awesome.  Here’s a helpful post that describes the general idea.

Kirsti(K)nits nominated me and sent me a great list of questions to answer.  So, here I go:

What is your best advice for a new crafter?
Make mistakes.  They can’t hurt you but the fear of making them can block you like crazy so screw up now and get used it.
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever made?
That’s actually super easy to answer.  I had this dream recently of a mobile out of dried fruit.  Specifically watermelons and cantaloupes.
Right?  I hear the crazy there.  We all know what watermelon is made of.
But I woke up with  such a strong image in my head that I went out right away and bought a dehydrator and got to work.
Nope, the watermelon never really worked but I loved the cantaloupe.  I’m really thrilled to have put the energy into it.  They were just for me.  I couldn’t gift them, I couldn’t sell them and they attracted flies and bees.
Both flies and bees, people.  But I really loved the process and the pointlessness of it.  It gave me a great feeling of freedom around the creative process for process’s sake.
Who is your favorite knit/crochet/sewing/crafty designer?
Yikes, this is way harder to answer because I love so many.  But, I’ll put the first person who jumped into my head, though there are so many talented people out in the world who I so love to follow.  I love India Flint, the natural dyer and dreamer.
Why did you start crafting?
Before falling in love with my husband and having kids, I was an actor. I was recently out of a strict acting conservatory training and feeling very disgruntled with the life in the theatre (I’m ignoring you, spell check, it is so theatre with an RE and not, as you suggest, boring old theater).   It was creative but very demanding and competitive.   However, I was very satisfied (gruntled, you might say) with being a mom of little people.  But after a short while I was hungry for that old creative life.  A good friend of mine taught me how to bend wire to make jewelry and I haven’t stopped obsessively making stuff since.
O-ring Earring
I think we all need to, in whatever way fills us up, create.  Maybe it’s cooking or gardening or fixing electrical circuits, but it’s the creative act and, as humans, we need it.
What is your best advice for a new blogger?
Post more pictures.
Indigo Blue
There are never enough pretty picture to look at.  Oh, and one font will do just fine.
Why did you start blogging?
To only connect.  That’s just another huge human need.
As part of the Liebster Award dealio, I am going to link to 5 awesome blogs with fewer than 3000 followers and send them some fun questions to answer.  Thanks Kirsti(K)nits!
Here are your questions:
What is your best advice for a new maker?
What is the best mistake you’ve ever made?
Who is your biggest inspiration?
Why did you start making things?
What thing have you always wanted to try to make but haven’t?
What is your best advice for a new blogger?

3 thoughts on “Liebster

  1. Great answers, and your mobile is so cool/crazy!

  2. A fan of the latest recipient of the award, Bev Webb! Appreciate your taste : ) fun, attitude re: mistakes, in the blogging world, questions … Interesting to think about re: the fear of starting one.

    Cool earrings and tie dye work! Nice to meet you! Thanks!

    1. Thanks! I don’t know where I’d be without my love of making mistakes.

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