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While my camera was on the blink, I took up archery.  Not because it was on the blink, just, ya know, just coincidentally during that time.  Anyway, I’m super, extra, totally amateur.  I found out that the local SCA will let anyone come shoot arrows FOR FREE!!! on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday nights.  So, I’ve gone a handful of times.  It’s fun!!!  I’m left handed and they have a very limited supply of bracers and finger tabs for me so I made some of my own stuff.
First, a quiver.  Nope, I didn’t have to – they’re ambidextrous – but I wanted to.  
Oh, yes, you’re very observant, they are made out of pants LIKE ALMOST EVERYTHING I MAKE! 🙂
Ties at the top to attach them to a belt loop
The  bottom has several layers of fabric, the outermost one is from the back pocket and I quilted the layers together.  The arrows aren’t very sharp but I figured it would help the quiver last a little but longer.
 Then a bracer out of the other pant leg, doubled over twice and sewn together.  I added elastic to keep it in place.
Bracer action shot!
 The bracer protects the arm from the arrow when you let it loose so you don’t get a big bruise.
Notice the almost empty mail art board in the background.  The mail art I’ve received is on display at the library for another week or so.
They were quick and basic projects but I’m still proud.  Plus my camera works now – woohoo! – so I’m taking lots of pictures. 
Finger tabs won’t be so quick and basic…they’re on my crazy long list of things to make. 

2 thoughts on “They Are Made Out Of Pants LIKE ALMOST EVERYTHING I MAKE!

  1. Having had one of those horrible bruises the one time I tried archery this is a great idea, well done you 🙂

  2. I hope your camera continues to be a straight shooter. I can’t wait for you to “fletch” out the story. I think you’re right on target.

    I know, I can take a bow.

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