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Art Journal!!

I went out to dinner with my friend Forrest, who is a Co-Owner of Artterro, the other night and had such a great time and incredibly inspiring conversation.  We talked about creativity and she gave me so many wonderful ideas and so much support and perhaps I had a bit too much wine. So I felt really tired and cruddy the next day.  I laid down to take a nap but I could not shut my eyes because my head was just so full of things I wanted to try.  I jumped up and started work on an art journal – one of the things we talked about the night before.


I took this old book apart.  I’m taking beaver back.


I found a few books at the library that were destined for the recycling bin.  I like to think I saved them.



I did what I consider to be foundation pages.


Also, this book has some really cute paragraph titles and pages that I will totally use in the book.


Also some awesome beaver shots.


Claude Debussy.  No reason.  I stapled two overlapped pages together.


Some more stapled stuff.




I think this is my favorite so far.


I still need to paint the other side of these pages, too.


I tried to think in terms of framing the paper.


This is a bag.  It looks the most unfinished to me.  I need to keep in mind that I’ll be adding more.  I do really like the white.

Art Journal Foundation PagesIs this upside down or right side up?  Any of the pages could be turned around.  See what you can accomplish with inspiring friends…even hungover.

2 thoughts on “Art Journal!!

  1. I love what you’re doing! I used to go to the Strand in NYC and buy 50 cent books that I loved the smell of… I ‘book-bound’ a snippet of each one and flipped through for different smells. Can’t wait to see more.

    1. Thanks! Nothing beats that old book smell.

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