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Learned a Thing


I learned a thing!  I’ve been doing more painty stuff than sewy stuff.  I’ve never played with paint before.



I learned that gesso is a liquid.  Just kidding, sort of.  It is messy and drippy stuff and that doesn’t work well for my purposes because, as you may have guessed, I didn’t notice right away.



Luckily, wax paper is awesome-ly useful stuff.  I knew about the wax paper for patterning altering but not for painting.  I have a new respect for it.

Here’s something I’m still trying to figure out.  Maybe you can help. 


I found these cool bingo cards at a thrift shop and thought they would make an awesome book.  


But they are really bowed.  You can’t really see it here.


But you totally can here.


So, I clipped them together in the hopes that they would straighten out but they haven’t and it’s been weeks.  Any ideas?  Right now, they are in my bathroom.   I was hoping the steam our showers would help.  Seems a little desperate, even to me.

I love learning new stuff, I try to learn something every chance I get.  I’ve signed up for  LifeBook 2014 Class online and hope to learn a ton there.  Though, I doubt she teaches how to bend cardboard bingo cards to my will.  One never knows. 

 PS – No, I’m NOT done decluttering.  The upstairs looks awesome and one table downstairs is almost clear.  It’s a marathon.  🙂



2 thoughts on “Learned a Thing

    1. Awesome.! I knew you were the right people to ask! Weights: Check. Water: Check. Spray bottle…Would it be bad to just run in under the sink water. It is a big ol’ pile. Hmmm. I know one way to find out!

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