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Rocking Dyeing


Are you tired of indigo pictures yet?  Because I’m not done.  Here are some experimentally tied up flour sack towels.


I’m late to jump on the flour sack towel wagon.  I had never heard of them but they rock.

They’re very absorbent so great to dye and to dry messes, too.


This is Janet, she kept me company.


I had to wake the dye vat up, it was a couple  of weeks old.  I added boiling water and soda ash and got this fabulous sickening yellow-green.  That’s what it’s supposed to look like.


Here I was trying to get a picture of how the dye didn’t read some of the fabric touching the bottle.  This is my favorite technique, just wait till I show you the result.


This one, I folded into eighths the long way and then put rubber bands around it.  I’m kinda “meh” on it, too much white.


While this has lots of white too, I love it.  I folded it about into triangles and then put rubber bands around it.


 I know I took a picture of this whole napkin but I can’t find it so here’s a corner.  I just dyed a solid blue.


This on I used a rectangle on one side and a gear shape on the other.  I love it.


This scarf is the bane of my existence.  Just sayin’.  It’s my third time trying to dye it in a way that makes me happy.  I love the design but silk just doesn’t take dye the same way as cotton.  Actually, I shouldn’t be so mad at it.  I’ll just keep trying and next thing you know, I’ll be rocking dyeing silk with indigo.


Tada!  My favorite.  This one was tied around the bottle.  I love it!


 A fine afternoon.  Plus, I painted some random colors onto the chicken coop while waiting for the indigo to cure.

I plan on just adding colors to the coop whenever I feel like it.  That way I won’t be painting the inside of my house all different colors (which I’ve always wanted to do but never have for my family’s sake) and everyone is happy.

1 thought on “Rocking Dyeing

  1. Love your blog, and reading about your processes. Fascinating. I’d love to use this post in the next issue of The Woven Tale Press:
    If interested please email me at referencing this URL. I’m putting the issue together now so ASAP would be great.

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